The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90885   Message #1725568
Posted By: M.Ted
23-Apr-06 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Subject: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
In the thread that questions the lifting of Johnny Cash to icon status, it was mentioned that Catspaw49 is one of the Mudcat icons(oddly enought,it was mentioned by me)--and it got me to thinking about who the other Mudcat icons are--and, because I am nothing if not a dualist, I recognize that negative icons are just as important as the positive ones--maybe more so, because there is nothing like a common enemy to bring a community together--

Some of you are lazy bastards, and will try to get away with posting a laundry list--I won't accept that--when you nominate your icons, explain what they represent, and explain how and why you think that they were elevated by our community into the Pantheon--

This will be tricky, because Mudcat, being a community that includes performers and musicians, has members who are actually icons in the folk/traditional world, as well.

Some people may disagree on the icon status that others put forward--discussion is ok, but let's not be disrespectful to anyone--For starters:

MAX: The creator of our world, and the mostly absent father figure--he very rarely speaks directly to us, but mostly communicates through-

JOE OFFER: His earthly representative--Some see him as benevolent and tolerant, others as a strict and arbitrary-

and of course, there are the demons;

GARGOYLE--who spews both venom and gems of wisdom

MARTIN GIBSON--who some say is the Anti-Christ, and others say is a harmless trickster--

And the Knights Errant: Catspaw49, Bobert, Little Hawk, Katlaughing, WYSIWYG--etc.

You thoughts?