The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90885 Message #1725587
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Apr-06 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
I think one should include various semi-fictional characters, such as:
Cletus, Paw, and the Reg Boys (*groan*) (but hey, they ARE icons...)
The Little Pissant
Cleigh O'Possum
Now, the above were all created or at least promoted by they are spinoff icons from HIS obvious status as a Mudcate Icon.
The same might be said of a number of characters I have created or promoted, such as...
Chongo Chimp Blind DRunk in Blind River (Shane McBride) William Shatner in all his matchless iconic manifestations, which are legion, and probably growing as we speak.
Big Mick is a Mudcat icon, I'd say. When he posts you know that someone is speaking who pulls a lot of weight (no pun intended) on the forum.
The Shambles is a Mudcate icon, having attained unusual notoriety by bringing up certain issues over and over again..
There are certain institutions that have by now become Mudcat icons:
The NYCFTTS (another creation of Spaw's, the Neil Young Center For The Terminally Screwed is a sort of retirement home for folkies who have entered their 2nd or 3rd childhood and for whom there is, frankly, no possibility of restoration to coherence or lucidity.
The MOABS thread. This running joke about a thread which combines all the BS under one title has lived on far beyond the intentions of its originator, Khandu, and now serves as a club for about 8 or 10 people to chatter inanely in on a regular basis.
The WSSBA (William Shatner School of BAAAAAAD Acting) was launched by mois with the intention of attaining iconhood just like the NYCFTTS...but I don't think it ever quite made it. Wasn't for lack of trying... ;-)
Clinton Hammond - Mudcat icon due to his somewhat aggressive approach to human relations...