The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90885   Message #1725602
Posted By: Bill D
23-Apr-06 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Jeri, for her growing musical knowlege and taste...interspersed with a keen eye for the point of some of the long-winded debates we get into here. She doesn't usually hang out in the middle of unseemly battles, but when she does comment, it often hits a nerve. I wish I could be as clear and relevant in so few words...(no doubt others wish I could too...☺...I may be an icon of verbosity)

and for just straight, happy, interesting, clear, charming, relevant sharing of ideas and feelings...Ebbie! She has become one of my 2-3 favorite if I could just get her to say more in person...*grin*. (yes, YOU, Ebbie..)