The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1726091
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
24-Apr-06 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
There is simply no place for intimation, hate for human beings, Intolerance of anyones faith and sheer narrow mindedness in the twenty first century.

The message is as simple as that.

The world is multi cultural, there is a world outside of your front door madam and no single individual holds any given right to object to the lifestyle of others.

I see you are a Christian. I am glad you hold a faith. Please tell me in which part of your teaching is it acceptable to condemn individuals or races of people if they don't hold the same viewpoint of yourself ?
Do the words, Live and let live, or no man or woman has the right to hold judgement over another come to mind ?

The Ulster Democratic Party in Ulster has more or less vanished. Most fell into the ranks of the Democratic Unionist Party which is lead by Ian Paisley a self proclaimed doctor and minister. I need not go into his self apointed titles as I see Emma has covered all bases. Well done by the way Emma.

The D.U.P. are anything but a democratic party. They have a long history of hate against Catholics. The also hold a major dislike of other churches such as Methodist, Church of Ireland and Baptist. And these are churches of the Protestant faith, simply because they do not hold their extreme values.

The late Billy Wright was the leader of the Loyalist Volunteer Force who were extremists and their murder campaign was against Catholics.
The Rev, William Mc Crea a senior member of the D.U.P. shared a platform with him on three ocassions. One at a loyalist show of strength, one against the Police at Drumcree church and the last one at a National Front demo in Belfast, funded and supported by the BNP.

There is no need to keep avioding direct questions as to where you stand madam. I know exactly where you stand and know where your party stand too.

What about your parties stance against the building of three mosques in the North of Ireland ? All sadly where in areas in which the D.U.P. controlled the local councils and none received planning permission on the grounds there were either enough churches in the area, or another excuse was the local schools couldn't cope if there was a new community arriving !

Here in the North of Ireland I am seeing more and more cultures coming into the country and I think it's great that they are. The troubles are behind us I feel and other cultures feel safer now arriving. Long may this continue.

Yes there have been a number of racial attacks on houses and cars, all
carried out in areas which the D.U.P. controlled. The police will confirm this.Thankfully these attacks are small in number.

I don't have many fans on this site due to my Republican views, but I will be dammed if you think a bigot and a hypocrite is going to speak of Christian valves out of one side of her mouth and breath fire from the other.

With respect given to your freedom of views, and the rights you feel of your party. Understand that as of now any future posts with be met with a response of fact, truth and probably for you embarrassment.
