The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90933   Message #1726856
Posted By: Rasener
25-Apr-06 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Tech: PC vs Mac
Subject: RE: Tech: PC vs Mac
If you are used to the PC, stick to it, otherwise uou may have a big learning curve.
If you have problems with a PC, there are milions of resources where you can get help from.
When I was teaching people how to use PC's and the software, I don't know how many times I had requests to teach people on Mac's becuase there weren't the trainers around to teach them. I always declined becuase there wasn't enough business to justify the effort in putting courses together
Count up the number of people you know who use a PC, and the same for the Mac. Whichever is the greater, then thats the one to go for, as they are generally the people who you might go to for help.

A lot of Mac users are using them very proffessionally for their work, such as Graphical designers etc. Te reason is that they have some cracking software for those purposes, but difficult to learn.

Hope that is of some help.
