The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90931   Message #1726881
Posted By: Amos
25-Apr-06 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: inerrancy
Subject: RE: BS: inerrancy
Definitions of inerrant on the Web:

inerrable: not liable to error; "the Church was...theoretically inerrant and omnicompetent"-G.G.Coulton; "lack an inerrant literary sense"; "an unerring marksman"

Definitions of inerrancy on the Web:

The fact that the Scriptures are free from any mistake or falsehood, and that what they reveal concerning any subject will not ultimately be capable of being proven to be false.

free from error, especially applying to the Bible

The quality of freedom from error which is possessed by the Bible.

relates to the correctness of the Bible in factual assertions (including historical and scientific assertions).

Without error, non-errant. In Christianity, inerrancy states that the Bible, in its original documents, is without error regarding facts, names, dates, and any other revealed information. Inerrancy does not extend to the copies of the biblical manuscripts.

(Christianity) exemption from error; "biblical inerrancy"

How anyone can suggest that a gaggle of mixed manuscripts from a dozen sects, over several hundred years, often reporting information several gwenerations old, can be inerrant escapes me at the moment. I guess once you interject the Word of God definition, anything becomes possible. Further, deponent sayeth not.