The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1727132
Posted By: akenaton
25-Apr-06 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Emma B...   "I would be happy to discuss multiculturism here, or any where else, but NOT with a "Guest" who immediately defines it a a "problem".

She then goes on to make her points in a very forceful manner!!

Unfortunately, Miss B seems to inhabit fairyland where all is sunshine and good feelings.

Her naivety in contrasting the amalgamation of the the Scots, Irish, Welsh and English into a homogenous unit ....(ha fucking ha), with the "multiculturalism" we see in the great cities of Scotland and England.

Is Miss B aware that half of Glasgow is owned by Indians and another quarter by Pakistanies.
There is NO intergration of communities, not because the Scots are racist, but because the Indian and Pakistani communities have no wish to integrate!! And have no wish to dilute their culture.
They distrust one another and despise the Scots.
Dont think I am talking through my arse on this one, as I have first hand knowledge of how the Indian landlords operate.
I have a friend who owns a flat in a very good area, overlooking Kelvingrove Park.
She is the only Scots landlord in the whole street, all the other houses being owned by Indians.
For the past five years she has been subjected to a viscious campaign by the man who owns the rest of the flats in her building.
Moving in anti social neighbours to either side and above...leaving leaking pipes in the flat above to damage her property ect...all designed to make her sell at as cheap a price as possible.
This is not an isolated case, but is happening all over Glasgow.

The "problem" in the area where I live is a large number of Eastern European immigrants who take jobs with local firms, then begin to compete for contracts with the people who employ them.
When these contracts are secured, they bring people from their own countries to work for wages which a British family could not sustain themselves on.
The whole system is a very clever piece of manipulation by our government to drive down wages and living standards for our own people.

I am in no way racist, for this argument is all about politics not race, but multiculturalism must work for every section of our society or is completely meaningless...Ake