The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90737   Message #1727449
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Apr-06 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: Music posts by Guests to be reviewed.(2)
Subject: RE: Music posts by Guests to be reviewed.(2)
No, that is not any kind of example of editing, since calling you names does not change any of your posts.

You will no doubt be aware, since you seem to archive every post expressing disagreement with your idee fixe, that I have never resorted to calling you names such as those you quote.

Had I, however, been the target of your half a decade of personal vendetta, this might not have been so.

I have been following this saga ever since I first visited Mudcat, more than three years ago, and the following is certainly true:-

1. You have just two major interests on this site. a) The campaign against the new licensing laws (a very worthy cause, and one in which I have also been active, and b) Your determined, and never ending attempts to undermine Joe Offer.

2. In relation to interest b), You play the same tune over and over again, apparently unaware that you are not making converts, but enemies.

3. You start a multitude of threads on the same subject, with the same lack of success. It has been explained to you by many here that this is unacceptable, and unreasonable, as well as unnecessary, since one would do as well.

4. You appear on threads which have nothing whatever to do with your subject, and determinedly try to convert them to your use, thereby depriving other members of their ability to discuss the original topic. It has been explained to you that this is also unacceptable.

Joe Offer has, until very recently, treated you with the courtesy we have come to expect from him. He has lately lapsed into a less gentlemanly mode than I would wish to see, and I don't condone that, but IMHO you have, by your treatment of him, provoked him to the point where he is reacting in an uncharacteristic manner, and I CAN understand why.

You are NOT the victim here. By your actions you have attempted to make Joe a victim, and you should not be surprised that he expresses his feelings about that.

If somebody gets in my face and keeps poking me in the chest and telling me I'm lousy at my job and ought to quit, I may (as a peaceful man) put up with it for a time, but there must come a point when I have had enough. At that point I am likely to haul off and let him have the best right cross I can manage.

Just be thankful that all this is virtual, and physical responses do not feature here.

Five years of effort have achieved nothing. Time to find a new interest in life, I'd say.

Don T.