The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1727683
Posted By: GUEST,DG
26-Apr-06 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Ake, I was never on 'Safari' in Scotland, I moved there as a child (6yrs), went to Uni there and left when I was 23.

"You have the typical arrogant attitude of the English on Safari in Scotland. I'm sure my Scots freens on Mudcat will share my pleasure in "seein' the back o' ye"...Ake "

Thats a good one. I still go home every other month. When asked, I always tell I've been brought up in Scotland, and most of my friends are Scottish.

As far as the spread of the BNP is concerned - have you ever seen or heard the flag waving antics of the Rangers football fans? Of course, they're not BNP members, but songs about the billy-boys sound pretty racist to me!

I have to agree with Terry, in that "middle class left wing ranting is of no use except to the ranters themselves." - I think he was trying to have a bit of a dig here, but what he's saying is essentially true.