The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90885 Message #1727831
Posted By: John Hardly
26-Apr-06 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
"That would depend on what you mean by "dooziess"--"
Oh my gosh.......out come the dictionaries again.
There is one other characteristic of mudcat that, though I've seen to some extent on other forums, I've never seen it as much as here on mudcat. Here it is the rule rather than the exception...
...this place, more than anywhere else, people duplicate the information that precedes them in a thread. It is nothing to see almost an exact re-statement of an idea several times in one thread -- none of them acknowledging the previous.
It reads like either a group of alzheimer's patients, or a group of hard-of-hearing old folks.
I'm not sure that's "iconic", but it certainly is set in stone.