The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90719   Message #1727878
Posted By: Donuel
26-Apr-06 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things (mad) soothsayers say
Subject: RE: BS: Things (mad) soothsayers say
Members of a New York City Islamist society who protested outside the Israeli consulate in Manhattan on Friday chanted threats about a second Holocaust and warned that Israel will be attacked with nuclear weapons. Video of the rally can now be downloaded from the NEFA Foundation website ( look for link at right to "Islamist Pro Suicide Bombing Rally in NYC."

Renowned terrorism expert Steven Emerson reports on his "Counterterrorism Blog" that protesters from the Queens-based Islamic Thinkers Society chanted in Arabic:

"Zionists, Zionists You will pay!
The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
Israeli Zionists You shall pay!
The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
The mushroom cloud is on its way!
The real Holocaust is on its way!"

In case anyone missed he message, the demonstrators repeated the Holocaust threat, shouting: "Israel won't last long . . . Indeed, Allah will repeat the Holocaust right on the soil of Israel . . . Another mushroom cloud, right in the midst of Israel!"

The same protesters also had some choice words for U.S. counterterrorism agencies:
"We know many government services are watching us.
Such as the FBI, CIA, Mossad, Homeland Security . . .
We know we are getting on their nerves.
And so are you . . .
So we say the hell with you!
May the FBI burn in Hell.
CIA burn in Hell.
Mossad burn in Hell.
Homeland Security burn in hell!!"

Emerson called the protesters a "small but loud group of men" and said he intends to post videotape of the demonstration on his website.