The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90927   Message #1727899
Posted By: Jon W.
26-Apr-06 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: eFolkmusic/downloading: r u experienced?
Subject: RE: eFolkmusic/downloading: r u experienced?
I've been listening to albums for 40 years and with the exception of some Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, one side of Chicago's second album, and "Sgt Pepper's.." very few of them have any continuity that is apparent. The artist might think they do but it's not apparent to the listener. I do (or used to) get used to the order of the songs but I don't think that was anything more than the constraints of LP technology. Later when CD's came in, I tried the "Random Play" feature and found that it frequently would result in the same cut being played three times in a row, which was very annoying. The same programming blunder has been propogated to the MP3 player (at least the one I own). I'd like to talk to the programmer, it would have been so simple to eliminate that problem. But I digress. The point is, Greg, don't worry about your album being cut up into pieces and sold that way - even if it wasn't sold that way, the customer would cut it up anyway.

One other thing, though - I frequently had the experience, back when you just put an LP on the turntable and listened from front to back, of growing to appreciate a song that at first hearing I didn't like. In fact, such songs often became for me my favorite song from the album. Why? As my mother would have said, I "learned to like it." Maybe it is because for a song to be immediately liked, it must be shallow and superficial, and anything deeper you just don't "get" right off. Wait...are we talking about songs here or people? I'll shut up now.