The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90905   Message #1727949
Posted By: Charmion
26-Apr-06 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why nick-names online?
Subject: RE: BS: Why nick-names online?
ClintonHammond wrote: ...people are SUPPOSED to critisie others when they're being stupid...

Assuming you meant "criticize", sez who? Kindness and politeness are also valid options, and they are both fully available to everyone who posts here.

As it happens, I do use my real Christian name, assigned at the font and everything. The world has very few Charmions and the name is not obviously female to North Americans who are not intimately familiar with the plays of Shakespere, so I am simultaneously both distinctive and fairly anonymous. While parading around in the great mystery of the Internet, that's how I like to be.