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Thread #90933   Message #1728114
Posted By: JohnInKansas
26-Apr-06 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Tech: PC vs Mac
Subject: RE: Tech: PC vs Mac
Kendall -

If you're having trouble with error messages in OE it's most likely that the problem is with your ISP/email service rather than with the program. OE is intended to be used as a POP3 email service, and few of the "free email" services, and not many of the "low cost" email service providers fully support POP3, if they permit it at all. They expect you to use html mail, which doesn't work with OE.

If you use html mail, they can put their adds and popups where you have to see them to get your mail. With a POP3 account, you don't get all that trash. They seem to not like letting you do it your way.

I've used OE for years with Win 3.11, Win95, Win98, Win2K, and WinXP and have NEVER had a problem that I can recall that raised an error message because of something that OE did or didn't do as it was supposed to. I have had a lot of "errors" caused by ISPs insisting that their advertising was more important than my email, and trying, openly or covertly, to prevent me from using OE.

You could have a problem with your connection setup, but most likely it's because your email service doesn't fully support POP3 and OE. If that's the case, then you either need to find another service, or just give up OE and eat their adshit via html, and view your email using your web browser. You're fairly likely to have the same sort of problems if you try to use a "real email" program with a Mac (I'm assuming Apple has one?). If you give in and use html mail, the problems should be the same for either kind of machine/OS.

FOOTNOTE TO 25 Apr 06 - 08:53 PM: I neglected to note that the bootstrap program on which I commented up above allows you to run Windows on the MacIntel machines. It does not include windows You still have to buy Windows separately, and that will remain true when the next Mac OS comes out with bootstrap - or equivalent - built in.
