The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90885 Message #1728310
Posted By: M.Ted
26-Apr-06 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Mudcat Icons?
In music threads, it is often necessary to do a little work in order to answer a question, so a bit of time passes while you are preparing your response. Once you have started writing an answer, you are disinclined to reload the thread to see if anyone has already answered, because it will erase what you have been working on--
As to your guess, Ivor, there are very few "American" tendencies-- people do things differently in different places.
Some places people listen to you(or pretend to), some places they don't. Some places they pride themselves on letting you finish your thought, some places, they pride themselves on cutting you off. Some places, folks expect you to agree, some places, they expect you to disagree. It's a big country.