The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90973 Message #1728521
Posted By: Arne
27-Apr-06 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another example of Dem. elections...
Subject: RE: BS: Another example of Dem. elections...
"I love my son very much. I'm very proud of him," Moore said. "He's accepted responsibility."
Omokunde was sentenced to four months in jail; Pratt and Lewis Caldwell of Milwaukee were sentenced to six months; and Lavelle Mohammad of Milwaukee was sentenced to five months. All were granted work-release privileges.
Then we have the RNC paying millions of dollars defending an actual top Republican official, James Tobin, in New Hampshah, and the White House won't say who it was that he was talking to numerous times at the White House in the run-up to the illegal shenanigans there. Hardly the same as a bunch of kids and a stoopid, illegal prank (unless you're of the opinion that the White House and Republican party are infested with pre0adolescents), no?