The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90973   Message #1728546
Posted By: Arne
27-Apr-06 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another example of Dem. elections...
Subject: RE: BS: Another example of Dem. elections...
NH Dave:

As Arne noted, we had a NH Replublican who hit upon the scheme to get several friends to keep calling on a phone line that the Democrats had set up for disabled people to call in on, to get a ride to the polls, to block their access to the polls. Fortunately his trick was discovered, he was prosecuted and convicted.

Ummm, it was the head of the NH Republican Party and Dubya's campaign chair up there, and it wasn't just him and "several friends". They hired a telemarketing firm to do the job.....

And as pointed out in the second link, the RNC paid $2.5 million to defend their guy in court. Now that's quite a new take on the idea of "taking responsibility"....
