The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1728574
Posted By: GUEST
27-Apr-06 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Thec difference is in time autolycus.

The circumstances surrounding immigration today are completely different from those which prevailed when Celts/Picts/Irish /Italians/Chinese/ect ect arrived on these shores.
Or even when Daves family arrived here.
I am sorry Dave feels that I would like his family removed from this country, that is completely wrong and not at all what I would like to see.

Today the govt is continually exhorting us that we must compete economically with India and China if we wish to be part of the "Global ecomomy".
They know very well that to achieve this situation will mean a reducion in living standards for our people.
The political solution is to encourage immigration of low cost labour which will in turn drive down living standards for all.

There is no propblem regarding the integration of these Eastern Europeans, many of whom I have met locally.

Most have very good English, no religious hangups and are very friendly and eager to learn about our history and culture.

The problem lies in the fact that the "playing field" regarding work does not seem to local people to be level.

I spoke to one nice young man from poland who told me that even on minimum wage and the other benefits he receives, he can live here and send home more money weekly than he can earn in Poland.

The story i posted already about the building trade workers who compete for contracts with their employers...without all the insurances and National insurance contributions that British emplyers have to pay is becomming very common here.

These problems have not been created by the immigrants , but by a government who believe more in short term survival of our rotten system than peace and a proper standard of living for all of our people.
As someone said earlier,it is important for us all to realise what is actually happening "on the ground"...if we dont wake up, there is a danger of many sleepwalking into the arms of the BNP or other Fascist groups....Ake

Today we are exhorted by our govt that we must compete with