The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1729082
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
27-Apr-06 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
I thought I'd try the Cat one more time before I went to bed, after not being able to get on all day, and by golly, here it is.

Just an odd footnote. Yesterday, I ran into a friend of mine who sings in a black gospel group, and she asked if she could help sell my CDs. Another woman who sings in the same group as my friend has a beauty parlor, and they're going to have a case in the front to sell gospel CDs by local folks like the Messengers. So, I gave her five on consignment. My friend Willie C, who has a barber shop told me that if you want to find good singers, put up an announcement that you're looking for one in the black barbershops. I think that it really is true that much of the communications that flow through black communities passes through the beauty parlors and barber shops.
I sure never tried to sell my folk CDs through them... :-)

I'm off to bed, but I've been thinking about the comment about coffee houses no longer being places for conversation. There are several other gathering places, though... barber shops and beauty parlors being two good examples. There are opthers that I see around me... wonder if anyone else does... where do the retired folks congregate in your community? Is it all old men, or old women (using the term "old" in a complimentary, flattering way, being old, myself.) I'll talk about where they do here in Derby, CT and in small towns all across the United States.

