The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90916 Message #1729150
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Apr-06 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Suggestion for Rules of Engagement
Subject: RE: BS: Suggestion for Rules of Engagement
As far as posters are concerned I still think that Wesley S's quote is enough.
The present editing 'system' was well-intentioned but it offers no protection to posters from inconsistent or personally motivated actions being imposed on certain targets. Just as importantly, it offers no protection for those imposing editing action, from any charges that imposed actions were inconsistent or personally motivated. Nor from their integrity from being compromised by the public actions of their fellow editors.
Even more importantly - it seems to encourage division and an attitude where posters now seem to be more concerned with ways of preventing others from posting their views – than encouraging all of us all to post and concentrate on our own. Which are the only posts any of us have any real control over.
One of the main problems is that some of those who would appear to be making, changing and enforcing the current 'rules' in order to shape our forum to their personal tastes – do not feel that they should be subject to the same 'rules' –or indeed to any 'rules'. I would like to propose the following changes to this 'system' which I think would help to solve many of these problems..
Could all proposed imposed censorship actions be referred to Max, limited to the offending post only, rather than the entire thread and every action subsequently agreed to, be clearly recorded in the thread in question?
Could the ability to close any thread for any reason, be limited to Max and any requests for closure be made directly to him only? And could all threads (except) these – remain open?
Could all other editing duties be limited to a few known posters who would always be acting as fellow posters unless it was clearly stated they were commenting in their editing duties?
Could these editing duties be limited to:
only privately referring any proposed candidates for imposed censorship to Max.
only responding to any requested changes to a poster's own contributions and recording this in the thread.
only changing anything with the poster's knowledge and prior agreement and recording this in the thread
Could any poster, undertaking these duties, who is seen to exceed the above or sets any example like the posting of any abusive personal attacks or responding in kind to any they may receive, or be seen to post only personal judgements of the worth of their fellow posters – be relieved of their editing duties?