The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1729559
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
28-Apr-06 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Some Senior Centers provide a place for people to gather, just to break the boredom of sitting home alone. Not that that's all that goes on there. I don't use the one where we live now, but went to Excercise classes where we lived before we came here. They also have computer classes, but for the most part I don't find much of interest. Our local Senior Center foes a lot of bus trips, and we've taken one... very inexpensive and we had a good time. I think just about everybody else on the bus had gone on many trips before as they all seemed to know each other.

Of course, bars offer companionship and conversation (even if the speech may be slightly slurred..)

Come to think if it... what's the difference between a bar and a pub?
I'd like to hear some comments from my Brit and Oz friends. I have some op[inions, but it's much more fun reading what others have to say..
