The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90916   Message #1729679
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center
28-Apr-06 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suggestion for Rules of Engagement
Subject: RE: BS: Suggestion for Rules of Engagement
It appears that the definition of "Personal Attack" has been broadened, to include challenging another person's logic and disagreeing with another person's point of view. Good thing the Clones don't include such things as deletable "personal attacks."

And I reiterate, there is no evidence that there is or ever has been "inconsistent or personally motivated actions being imposed on certain targets" by the forum moderation volunteers. The volunteers have no reason to do such a thing and there is no evidence that they have done anything like that - so why should there be a complex system set up to prevent such a thing?

Reminds me of when I worked for the U.S. Government and the Reagan Administration wanted to make federal employees a "drug-free workplace." They picked my 700-employee agency as the example of their program, and tried to reoganize our workdays around a drug testing schedule - even though there had never been any evidence of drug abuse among our employees, and the most hazardous thing we did on the job was drive a car. We sued the government, and won.

-Joe Offer-