The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1730135
Posted By: akenaton
29-Apr-06 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
I think theres a lot of truth in what you say Big Phil.

What is it that makes nice normal people turn to groups like the BNP?
Mainly disillusion with the political process.
Blair has squeezed the heart out of Labour.
No one believes what they say, they have ditched most of their socialist principles, no one takes responsibility for any mistakes, in short they treat the electorate like fools.
Well it looks like these local elections are going to be an almighty shock for Mr Blair and his followers.
I'll be sorry to see any gains for the BNP but I'm sure there will be some.
But more power devolved to smaller groupings like the Greens, Socialists and Independents will be a good sign for the future.

I would also like to see George Galloway's Respect Party gain strength....Just to spite "Warmonger Blair"....Ake