The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91033   Message #1730702
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Apr-06 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Censorship and Attitude rolled into one
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship and Attitude rolled into one
You make good points there, Roger, but it does happen in every club. Those who are most in the "in group" at that club begin to set policy and feel they have a right to...and they mightily irritate those who are not in the "in group" when they do so.

I've seen this happen in every club or group I've ever witnessed. It's a natural human dynamic, driven by ego and personality.

I don't think there is any perfect solution to this.

You think you are speaking on behalf of the way this forum should be.

The people who disagree with you think exactly the same thing.

I agree with you about the Shatner threads, and I agree on the general principle of what you're saying, but it won't make any difference what you and I think about it. We are not in control.

No one can say who should or shouldn't leave...(except Max and whoever Max delegates such authority to)...but they WILL say so if they feel like it, and there's nothing that can be done about that...except by Max or whoever Max delegates such authority to.

Do you want such authority yourself? Or do you want that no one should have such authority? If so, then whose forum is it?