The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91109   Message #1731576
Posted By: Azizi
01-May-06 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: The 'Artistic' Temperament-
Subject: RE: The 'Artistic' Temperament-
The terms "introvert" and "extravert" may no longer be in vogue, but it seems to me that some performing artists may be introverted extraverts.

What I mean by this is that though their core being is as an introvert, when they have to perform in public, these artists have to put on an outward giving, outgoing persona. Afterwards such a performance, there is even more a need for to honor and attend to their core being. In my opinion, such individuals need periods of recuperation through silence, introspection, and aloneness. And from these periods of "recuperation", their psyche can heal from the demands that they and others put upon it. As a result of taking the time and the space [away from others] they need to 'recharge their batteries", they're energy is renewed, and creativity can flow again.

However, when these types of performing artists become successful, there is less & less time for periods of recuperation. But these alone/recuperation times are needed even more. As a consequence of not being able to be true to their soul's needs, problems will occur with these people's spirits, and there will eventually be a diminution in the quality of their creativity.

What I am saying is people-performing artists or whomever-must be true to their core nature. If they are compelled to share with others through their creative work, they should recognize that the creative process, and their own soul's needs, may demand periods of solitude and quietness. To deny this or substitute artificial means for keeping one's spirits up, is courting trouble.