The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91109   Message #1732054
Posted By: Elmer Fudd
02-May-06 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: The 'Artistic' Temperament-
Subject: RE: The 'Artistic' Temperament-
Beautifully stated, GUEST, May 1, 10:47. I have copied your post to my desktop.

I would only add that many few artists feel that the works of art they bleed themselves into ever measure up to their inner visions. The artists don't perceive their creations as "divine" or "works of great beauty," and that contributes to their despair and desolation.

Furthermore, many artists feel that anything of merit they create is the result of their getting out of the way and allowing the muse, divine inspiration, or whatever you wish to call it, use them as an instrument. When they do not feel so moved, when the muse is not with them, they feel isolated, depressed and worthless.
