The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90535   Message #1732414
Posted By: autolycus
02-May-06 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you need to be censored?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you need to be censored?
Roger, I appreciate yor response.

At my recent annual medical (I'm 60), my blood pressure was fine. When I get irritated, that's a long way from b.p. worries. It's not incandescent rage.

you're right that not posting at all is not a solution -that's an extreme response (bit like the leap to blood pressure). Mind you, I stopped posting on the astrology thread for a stated period ('bout 3 weeks)virtually completely without harm.

   Only posting what's acceptable - also bit extreme.

   Only there are other strategies.

   You've made some of your points over and over. (i really don't think the argument of the others is quite ON your points). I think you're making some of views interminably is counterproductive for you. In your shoes, I'd have said to myself,"There's none so deaf as those that will not hear. In the light of that thought,what am I doing by baging on. By doing so,I'M doing something, I'M contributing to this situation."

Einstein made a point a long time ago that the scientist is part of the experiment. Some scientists, and by extension, many people, haven't really taken that on board, and continue with the attitude that they are independant of the situation they are describing.

I've seen in groups how very, very resistant people are to the very idea that they are a part of a situation that they are describing, usually in terms of what OTHER PEOPLE are doing.


Don't try to change other people's opinions. Make your points and others will make theirs. Note which of your ideas people are ignoring and think ,"They're not ready to hear this ". Note which and how many of questions get answered and consider what might be going on that they aren't answering.

These are just thoughts, not commands. Obviously. What you do is your choice. Obviously.

I just mean there are even more possible responses to what's going on than you have hitherto come up with.

hence,"If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'l keep on getting what you've always got."

Best wishes (BTW, this is called critical support in the trade.)
