The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91185   Message #1733326
Posted By: dianavan
04-May-06 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where are we now?
Subject: RE: BS: Where are we now?
So hubby, if you are talking about the same immigration law and it can be enforced, why hasn't it been enforced?

Maybe its because Anaheim would go bankrupt without that cheap Mexican labour that they bus into the city every morning.

Maybe its because the fruit wouldn't get picked and would rot and the whole industry would go belly up.

Maybe its because those Calif. blondes might break a nail if they had to clean their own houses.

Sorry, hubby, I missed your "jab". I really don't think immigrants and tree-huggers have much to do with each other. I'd work on your comedy routine if I were you.

Don't think for a minute all of those illegal immigrants will gain automatic citizenship. If they were U.S. citizens, they would have to be paid minimum wage.

No, hubby, its easier to pay them peanuts and treat them like dirt.