The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1734122
Posted By: Ron Davies
06-May-06 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Not guilty, Jerry--I swear I haven't done that to a butterfly since about age 8. And yes, I caught the reference. But consider the source. Or perhaps ignore the source--when the source only draws from the sewer, it's not likely anything of value will result.

Anyway, how's the weather up there. For some reason, we're getting a real spring this year--not segueing from very early spring directly into summer the 3rd week of April, as sometimes happens.

And it's wonderful. We had our rehearsal today on the National Cathedral grounds. They were having their big flower mart. And I stayed outside til the last possible moment--too bad the rehearsal wasn't outside.

Jan is at the 4th birthday party of a neighbor she has taken care of--and still does from time to time. Then we go to an azalea party cum sing. One of our hard-working cats is lying on the chair next to me; another is asleep in a cardboard box she's decided she likes. They seem to have no interest in this gorgeous day--go figger.

Here's hoping the Mudcat doesn't have more hairballs for a while.