The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1734396
Posted By: Terry K
07-May-06 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
er - 'scuse me?

You can continue to completely miss the point if you wish, but random taunts of "racist" are not the answer. Just why do you think these BNP twats are becoming more and more successful? Ever thought about it? They thrive on "opposition" such as yours, it spurs them on to pursue their misguided cause. But beneath it all, it is as clear as day that there is a voting public who may or may not be racist, but who have no other avenue through which to make their statement (not me, I make my protest by refusing to vote for any of the wankers).

And GUEST,DG - you have tried this "let's meet up" tactic previously with somebody else who couldn't get you to understand even the simplest point. It was pathetic then, as it is now. You sound very young (perhaps juvenile is a better word), do try to grow up.

And Peace - "Give people a good party to vote for and they won't vote for scum". Just how do you think that's going to happen? Where do we get a good party from? Don't you think we would love to have a good party to vote for? (incidentally, I'm always up for a good party) - unfortunately we have a stupid electorate who continue to vote for the knobheads that we've got at present, or the knobheads who are trying equally hard to remove them.

The solution? - there isn't one, just please don't assume your simplistic ranting helps in any way.

cheers, Terry