The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1735111
Posted By: Terry K
08-May-06 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
What do I see as the solution? That the Goverment take on board the fact that some people (and please don't make the simplistic assumption that I am one of them) are pissed off with what is going on in the country. The Government are the only ones who can change anything or influence anything, but they refuse to accept that there is a perceived problem out there. They stick their heads close to the sand and cry "racist" - rather like you guys are doing.

You say "the notion that YOU are powerless to effect change in the political parties of the UK) is defeatist" - maybe so, but what do you want me to do, become a political activist? - no thanks, in the face of mass stupidity as is repeatedly shown by the electorate and the political parties, I have better things to do with my life.

But as an outside observer it is as clear as day to me that there is some reason why this latest phenomenon is happening. Isn't it bleeding obvious that there must be some reason why the BNP are doing so well? The only way forward is if someone takes a cold, detached look at cause and effect, and try to do something about the causes.

It's a bit like bringing up children - if you don't like the way they are responding to conditioning and environment, you have to change something. But you first have to realise that the way they behave is because they see something as being out of kilter, not just shout at them and lash out.

That's me done - if you can't see what to me is totally obvious than my further input to this thread is of no avail. Defeatist again, hah!

cheers, Terry