The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90556   Message #1735131
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
08-May-06 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Dear Ned and fi_in_nz,
glad you enjoyed the Brian Lawton concert...
Yep, the sound was 'weird' at times Ned, the sound crew were more used to 'doing' rock bands as resident PA men for the Picturedrome, but bless 'em - they too, like all the artists on in that concert, gave their equipment and services totally free of charge for the occasion. So we can only pat 'em on the back and say 'cheers boys'.
Sorry it was 'loud' for your little one fi_in_nz!
We were totally in the hands of the sound crew on that score and had a different mix from the monitors on stage and could not hear what you all got 'out front'.
I did ask after the first piece we did if it was too loud out front and would the audience like it up or down, but 'no' was the apparent consensus.
Sounded better than our heroes S S?
Heck, I somehow doubt it, but we'll take that plaudit gratefully, bless you!

Cath, I've already emailed you personally, but here's the gist for public airing...
First off.
No need for apology re Friday. Faced with a very noisy bar full of 'non-folkies' (mostly locals out for a drink, very loud chatter and much smoke!) totally acoustic, no PA system - Anne on fiddle and I played to the wee gathering of interested folkies that gathered close to us and soldiered on regardless. We gave it our best shot for the full hour and half as per program and can certainly say those near enough thought we were doing OK - and it sure was an experience!
I had a great w/e, met old friends, made new ones (Hamish, Fyrish, yer good self and others) - it was great to see Holmfirth alive with 'folk' and all credit and power to you, your team and the local traders involved for making the whole thing happen.
Also, to the folk who turned out to support it all. Well done one and all.
All the best - Duncan McFarlane