The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17672   Message #173530
Posted By: Willie-O
04-Feb-00 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: How did U first learn about the Mudcat ?
Subject: RE: BS: How did U first learn about the Mudcat ?
say, this discussion is not entirely suitable for my dissertation on "serendipitous interactivity in semi-public wide distribution network"...

Caitrin, what's his name and address, we're going to take up a collection and send him flowers and two cards. One to say "thank you" and one expressing our sympathies for him for being such an idiot as to piss you off permanently!

Willie-O "I was just looking for the DT to find some damn shearing song or something--'I'll get back to you, it'll just take a minute' I promised someone, who is still waiting for my phone line to not be busy, since Oct 98 or thereabouts...."