The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1736083
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
09-May-06 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hey Elmer Jerry:

I like:

Everything is peaches down in Georgia
It's a peach of a clime, for a peach of a time
There's a preacher waiting down there for ya
He's just waiting to say, "Will you love and obey?"

Probably my favorite singer of all time (as if there is only one) is/was Clancy Hayes. I wonder if anyone else in here has even heard of him... think I'll start a two or three post thread.

Man, it's getting reallllll nasty in here! I left once when it got this bad a couple of years ago. It didn't occur to me at the time that all I really needed was this little corner and a kitchen table.

I've got all the stuff I need now to put together a "Huh?" CD. Except time. But that's coming, soon.

Yesterday, I made our airline reservations to fly out to Wisconsin for my Mother's 99th birthday. My youngest son lives 45 miles away, in northern Illinois and my other son, his wife and two kids are coming, so we can have a real family reunion.. I have two older sisters who live in the same town where my Mother lives Iand I was born,) and a gazillion other relatives, so we'll have a good time. May have to entrust the table to someone else while I'm gone.

A designated table Meister, or Meisteress.

Jerry Elmer Henry Hornsbuckle