The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91331   Message #1736860
Posted By: Anonny Mouse
10-May-06 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
Subject: RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But...
Ron: "Annonymouse--your "Puritanical" attitude toward vulgarity"?--you must not be the most observant person to grace Mudcat. Who do you suppose is by far the foremost exponent of vulgarity to denigrate others? (as opposed to humor, which is how Spaw uses it). Why, it's your buddy "Martin"--as you, as a member, can easily ascertain by checking his record--which you might possibly want to do before defending him as a "stand-up guy". As you probably know, it is in fact possible to stand up for beliefs--even aggressively--without the vulgarity your friend seems to think is necessary."

You'll get no argument from me on that...and I have nicely (I think) pointed that out to him on a couple of occasions in posts. And I wouldn't have any problem stating publically--whether he cares or not--I don't think it's necessary. I'd wager he doesn't speak like that to his wife, or son in London, or his business associates. In all honesty, I think he's a bright guy, who would appear even brighter (IMO) if he didn't resort to that kind of stuff. However, I have no control over that.

As for being "my buddy" I really don't know him, other than his name is made-up (as is mine for my own reasons). I respect his seriousness about his faith for some of the other things, I wasn't around for them, which isn't to deny they happened. But when I first started posting here, I made it clear I was a "tabula rasa" on personalities here; I was not, by nature, a confrontational person most of the time, I have a thick skin (and head, some would maintain), and I simply tried to treat him the same way I'd treat any of you. Now, if he...or someone else here-started in on me for no good reason, I would not hesitate to call them to task on it, whether they cared or not. I'm not some "wimp" incapable of mounting a reasonably cogent defense of myself, or some of my opinions.

I know that a lot of you have axes to grind with MG. I don't happen to have any, so I'm not dealing with him as though I do. He was respectful enough to me, and while I might agree posts of his were indefensible, I'm not here to defend him, or really anyone else. We happen to share a fondness for the bane of some of your existences--the Kingston Trio. So, I figure it won't hurt to be civil. For me...or him. Frankly, I think he's a better person then he lets on here. Why that is, only he would know. So, I "spoke my piece," and I'll just leave it at that. Y'all think or do what you wish.