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Thread #91323   Message #1737562
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
10-May-06 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal hate
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal hate
>>Also keep in mind that failing to listen and then RESPOND thoughtfully and intelligently to concerns of moderates and moderate conservatives is not likely to influence people to vote as we might like.<<

You make it sound as though moderates don't think for themselves but only react to how they perceive liberals to be behaving towards them. That's actually quite insulting. I think moderates are intelligent enough to make up their minds about Bush quite apart from what anyone else thinks. If they have had enough of Bush, then they have had enough of Bush. If they have had enough of GOP scandals, then they have had enough--period. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of moderates at this point. Moderates have to vote their hearts and minds like everyone else.

Do you care how moderates feel about you or act towards you when you vote for a president or do you vote based on how you feel about that person and what you believe that person stands for and can accomplish? I voted for Kerry not because I gave two shits what conservatives or republicans think of me, but because I wanted Bush out of there. This Congress is a disgrace and the bums have to go and I don't care if moderates or republicans or conservatives are with me or not. That is how I will vote. If they disagree, that is their right but they do not influence my vote in any way. And I think any moderate would tell you much the same thing.