The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91431   Message #1738745
Posted By: Selchie - (RH)
12-May-06 - 03:24 AM
Thread Name: Seeking Morris side, Gloucs/Oxon
Subject: RE: Seeking Morris side, Gloucs/Oxon
You want an all male (Cotswold) side, try The Morris Federation it gives details of gender & types of Morris. Click on County List & choose your area, websites are listed.

Or go to
Click Sidefinder & choose your area, this gives websites, you'll find out the type of Morris they dance there. (This is the same info as given on the Federation Side Finder pages ~ (all Morris bodies now work together to help/advertise & support each other).

Good Luck.

Any questions PM me I may be able to help. Depending on where in rural Gloucestershire the event will be, I know several men's sides in my area, Glos/Worcs/Warks borders.

Rosie Stroud