The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1738802
Posted By: alanabit
12-May-06 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
I can sympathise with that to some degree Skipy. I recall last year, when the Pope came to Köln. I was aghast at the disruption caused by masses of hapy, well behaved young people. I was also quite baffled by them and wondered to myself, "Shouldn't these young people be taking a bit more interest in sex and drugs and rock and roll?" Different strokes for different folks. Fact is, even if only a quarter of the population is really interested, that still makes quite a lot of folks.
Really big money for players is a phenomenon, which is less than fifty years old. At the end of the day, any sport, which has the capacity to attract a large number of people, will inevitably draw financial rewards to the players, who are the centre of attention. As you know, rugby has had to face this dilemma pragmatically over the past few years. Whatever the merits of amateurism, it is no longer feasible in a mass media age.
Get some good books, a couple of videos of England winning the Rugby World Cup and a good stock of beer mate. It will all be over soon enough and you can have a good time of it in your own way!