The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1738970
Posted By: Max
12-May-06 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
Of course I thank Joe and Jeff and the other Volunteers, they are the life-blood of this site.

I am simply attempting to raise our standards, and hold everyone accountable, myself included.

Arguments have become a virus that creeps into threads and takes all the joy right out of them. I am astounded at the absurdity of these arguments, just like the ones in this thread. People copy words and actually go hunting for a reason to disagree, complain and argue. This is ridiculous. People worry about their posts being used against them so much, they may not post anymore.

New people come in and start poking around and leave because it sounds as if we're all 3rd graders bickering.

Volunteers that engage publicly with anyone who is addicted to these petty arguments are making me as unhappy as those who start the arguments. I don't care about the small shit. It needs to be left alone. We have a lot of members, and it is impossible to please them all. We either water down to the lowest common denominator (which sucks) or we just quit squabbling. Joe has an impossible task, so I sympathize.

I used to argue with my brother all day and night about the stupidest shit. I am sure my mother was annoyed as could be. You know what? My brother and I grew up and we don't argue anymore. We accept that we are different people with different stances on simple things and very serious topics. We enjoy our differences because they are what makes our conversations interesting.

So it's time to grow up.

Oh, and I like local event posts. What's on is great, but a big job. I have no problem with threads for local events.