The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17846   Message #173906
Posted By: Amos
05-Feb-00 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - February 5, 2000
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - February 5, 2000
I think kat's description of her collie is a promising start to a thread called "Thought for a Day". And certainly qualifies as one.

For one thing, she makes some interesting observations about Merlee's abilities, and you have to wonder what the scope of his perceptions and awareness is.

Also, although the love of dogs is an ancient and well-recognized tradition, germane to any folk thread, as a thought for a day it is interesting that no-one has ever quite explained why this bond continues so strongly. It's not like we need them to bring possums down on Alvarado Avenue, or fetch buffalo steaks home from Walmart, if you see what I mean.

How come we feel so much more strongly for someone like Merlee than we would, say, for a pet rabbit? A particular Holstein? How does this interspecies affection work?

But gee, if it'll make us all happier, we can stick a folksong into the thread

Ol' Kat had a pup and she called him Merlee
To cheer her up when she felt surly
Merly thought the world of Kat
And loved ol' Rog even more'n that

Cho: C'mon Merlee, C'mon pup!
Come over here an' cheer me up!

I guess Kat, Rog an' Merlee ought to fill in the rest, since they know the scene.
