The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90818   Message #1739065
12-May-06 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will campaign against the BNP?
At the core of the BNP is anti semitism-the hatred of Jewish people.Scratch any of the active members of the BNP and you will find a barroom bigot seeting with hatred for Jews ,blacks and moslem people.
But to get at them they also have to attack trade unionists,socialists and many others who are opposed to their nazi policies.
This is the collection of misfits and thugs who laugh and taunt the survivors of the holocaust..who claim it never happened....who have been photographed and taped giving the Hitler salute and who boast of their race hatred.
Support Unite Against Fascism and stand up to these creeps...they have been beaten back in the past and can be beaten back in the future.
No platform for racists or nazis !! Stop the BNP!!