The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1739696
Posted By: The Shambles
13-May-06 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
I've got to tell you, I'm sick and tired of some of the crap that I've seen lately.

Martin Gibson: you have to pack up and go. Your knowledge and contributions are valuable, and it's a shame that your sociopathy prevents us from hosting you or taking you seriously anymore.

Shambles: I just don't care anymore. You press your point, time after time, until you press too far and then complain about the check. You do this purposefully to prove a point, but in the end, you are a distraction from the real point of this site. You too, should bid farewell.

Joe: Do I need to separate you two?

Max's request seems a fairly straightforward to me.

I think you are being a little selective in your public judgement both of me and this statement.

For there would be no need for Max to suggest - Do I need to separate you two? - if in fact he had already done this. So this statement is not straightfoward at all.

I am sorry to dash anyone's hopes but I have not be banned (yet). And as as I have done nothing to justify such a ban (such as indulge in repeated abusive personal attacks, name-calling, stalking or bullying - I don't expect to be banned.

While the choice to continue as a poster on our forum seems to be left up to me, I will make that choice on what Max's current and future intentions for our forum are. I would never have been interested in posting to a private members club and have no wish to do so now - if our forum is to be changed into this.   

But until Max informs us whether the latest proposed restriction is to be imposed or not - I (and others) will not be able to make an informed choice.