The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90556   Message #1739868
Posted By: Soldier boy
13-May-06 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Quite agree with Panurus B and Tyke - too much emphasis and melodrama is being given on this thread to so called "loutish behaviour" at the festival.

It were summat and nowt. I've seen more aggro at an undertakers convention !

You're always going to expect some bother from local youths on a Fri and Sat night but Holmfirth suffers far less from trouble than most other places I can think of.
As usual it's just a tiny minority that can get out of hand but it was very quickly and expertly nipped in the bud by Sheila and her ever vigilant staff in the Nook.

Far outnumbering any "Loutish" elements were the number of young locals (18-23ish) who joined in with the singing and playing sessions in the pubs or watched and joined in with the brilliant "Free Sandwiches" on Sat night and had a brilliant time.

The best bit of comedy upset I saw was on Fri night (again in the Nook unfortunately) when two youngish women had a spat after one yelled "you've sha**ed my husband you f***ing bitch !!"
Again this was quickly defused by the Staff and the merryment swiftly continued.

So on that note can we please make no further mention of "loutish" behaviour. It t'were just two small incidents that soon blew over and dererves no further mention - at all. Thankyou.