The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1739872
Posted By: GUEST,Former member/current occassional drop-in
13-May-06 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
I've read this entire thread now, and I have to say it is yet another example of what another poster referred to as a "more heat than light" thread. I don't come here much anymore because both music and BS threads are like that now.

I have never seen this place as a community. I describe it to other music afficionados as a forum dominated by a couple of cliques, separated by the Atlantic Ocean.

The list of obnoxious posters, as others have noted, is quite long here. Another problem I have with this place that cannot be fixed is the regulars, both members and guests, but mostly members. And those I find to be most obnoxious are being applauded on this thread, or thanked for being clones.

The tradition of hijacking threads with supposedly clever posting was started by the catspaws and Little Hawks.

As to money donations, I wouldn't send a dime to this place. If there were some way to wrench control of the DT away from Max and Dick, I would contribute to it in a heartbeat. They have squandered the only valuable resource here. Max, et al put all their effort into controlling people in this bogus forum, and nothing into developing the DT and harvesting the forum for music related information.

They have always been in over their heads when it comes to the DT & valuable music information in the forum, and arrogantly and stubbornly refused help of people who could have gotten the job done for them.

This place is nothing more than a sandbox on a playground for a group of adult children with serious social skill deficits.