The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1740009
Posted By: Big Mick
13-May-06 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
Actually what most people see in this thread is the current crop of mobsters taking over the thread. Max did what all of you wanted, and now you ain't happy because he told you what you are.

Let's see, we have the Minnesota Monster and other weighing in with their smug "know it all" "all you ignorant cretans should just listen to my wisdom" attitude.

You have Shambles continuing on with his pathetic and repetitious crap, even though he finally got what he wanted. Max responded and Roger didn't like what he said.

So you will take over the thread and it will become you all whining again.

Have you noticed that Max has quit posting in this one? So am I. But I will be starting a different thread to talk about supporting the place. It will be moderated from the standpoint that if anyone drifts off the topic, those posts will be deleted.

To those that detest the place and what it has become, it is my opinion that you should leave. The overwhelming majority of the posters are clearly in the camp of reasonable controls and leaving the rest as it is.

Max, it is your thread buddy. I would close it, but the decision is yours.
