The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91375   Message #1740089
Posted By: John Hardly
13-May-06 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
Subject: RE: BS: Defining terms: Liberal/Conservative
"In a semantic discussion, terms have to be defined so that we know what's being talked about."

Hmmm. And as I see these discussions on the mudcat (I find myself in agreement with GregF, upthread -- this is just deja vu. We've talked them out endlessly), it is almost always the demand for definition that gets in the way of discussion. Most everyone knows what is meant by the terms.

And the way these things end is with the Left being defined by the Left, and the Right being defined by the Left. :^) So, stopping the discussion in midstream to define terms that most people already understand is just a stick in the spokes.

If the terms liberal and conservative been weaponized, I think that that is a perception that resides in the mind of the insecure.

If the terms are mischaracterized -- as often happens when one side defines the other for it -- that can be argued one misrepresentation at a time. And they usually are.

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