The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91476 Message #1740340
Posted By: GUEST,Brendy
14-May-06 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: Tech: WinXP New Deal
Subject: RE: Tech: WinXP New Deal
There was a workaround for this some months ago. Microsoft originally released the WGA as an addon in IE...., but that could be disabled, allowing to update as before; you would only receive an error symbol in the status bar.
Then they came up with this latest one, and that seems to be a bit harder to crack. There's a few 'Tech' forums out there discussing the workaround, and a few files are available, most of them with disclaimers attached, from what I have seen.
I'll wait a few months before I try any of these 'fixes', as the beta, gamma, and delta versions of them will likely be an improvement.
I have one machine (seldom used) which this applies to, so I'm not really worried about it neither. The other computers have all passed the test famously already.