The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2915   Message #1740893
Posted By: NH Dave
15-May-06 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Military Jodies?
Subject: RE: Military Jodies?
As Jeri pointed out a couple of years ago, aside from Basic Training, or Tech School,the Air Force doesn't march much; we are more individualistic. You have a place to be and a time to get there. If you can't master that simple task, perhaps you don't belong in the AF.

Additionally there are really two Air Forces, the clean and neat Air Force that works in offices and never gets dirty, and the green baggy Air Force that works in motor pools, carpentry shops, or the flightline, and always leaves the job dirty; and considerable friction between the two. The blue AF lives a block or so from the dining hall, and where s/he works, while the green grubby AF lives and eats on one side of the base, and works on the other, and rides the bus back and forth between the two, when the bus is running. The blue AF works 9:00 - 5:00, and sees no reason why the man who got off work at midnight or 6:00 AM can't make it into his office for a 9:30 AM appointment, and sends nasty letters when this happens.

From my time in the Army and Air Force, I would suggest that a Drill Sgt, or NCO in charge of getting 250 troops from point "A" to point "B" is much like the shanty man who stands near hard work getting done, and plays a tune, or leads a shanty to get the work done easier and faster. As in shanty men, there are good and bad NCOs drilling or moving troops. The good ones have fertile imaginations, never sing the same cadence twice, and make the march go quickly. Others sung the same songs or cadences, and sometimes the troops made some up as well. Most were filthy, but they did keep spirits up during longer distances, where marching was necessary. Usually when marching longer distances the men were spread out and each walked at their own pace, just as long as they kept up with the rest of the unit. Marching isn't fun for long distances, especially when it is hot and dusty.
