The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90294   Message #1741161
Posted By: beardedbruce
15-May-06 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poetry about Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Poetry about Mudcat
Subject: State of the Mudcat Union Talkin' Blues
From: BuckMulligan - PM
Date: 15 May 06 - 02:28 PM

Kicking it off; everybody know the talkin' blues form - take it away...

I was browsin' through Mudcat the other day
When I saw this thread from Max to say
That "this here shit's gotta stop and
Some of you go"

So I read on down a message or two
And it wasn't long before I knew
The shit was just gonna roll
And roll and roll

From the Shambles,
Gatherin speed and mass
Like an avalanche.

Subject: RE: State of the Mudcat Union Talkin' Blues
From: Richard Bridge - PM
Date: 15 May 06 - 02:36 PM

FIrst and second line last verse need more syllables.    Maybe

Rollin' down hill from the Hammond to the Sham...

Gives the advantage of the half-rhyme of "sham" to "..anche"

In fact scansion generally could do with a bit of polishing.

Over to the Mudcat for developoment of this fine work!

Subject: RE: State of the Mudcat Union Talkin' Blues
From: John 'Giok' MacKenzie - PM
Date: 15 May 06 - 02:55 PM

Well lookin' down that road I see
Max Spiegel a drivin' his old MG
It was runnin' bad, n' Max was wishin
He could kill that MGs bad emissions

It was runnin' wild, and out of control
It didn't rock, it could only roll
It was loud it was bad it was makin' Max suffer
So he fitted it with, an all round muffler

Badge shaped like an octagon
Ought ta gone
A long
Time ago.


Subject: RE: State of the Mudcat Union Talkin' Blues
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 15 May 06 - 03:00 PM

Thinking hard about trying write this song
About why folks just don't get along
Even when they ain't even together
Not even in the same room

I sure is funny but it ain't no joke
So many ways to upset some folks
Seem so judgemental
Kinda uptight

Like a pressure cooker
Gettin up steam
Just cookin.....

Subject: RE: State of the Mudcat Union Talkin' Blues
From: Janie - PM
Date: 15 May 06 - 03:16 PM

Well Giok, he roared but the Sham didn't stumble
Guest clapped his hands, shouted "Ready for to Rumble!"
Sham nor Clint knew how to take a hint
Meanwhile us lurkers is really gettin' bent
Some of us cryin' "Why can't we be friends"
Shut the Mudcat down I'm sure to get the bends
I got the Mudcat, Mudcat,
Mudcat Blues