The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1741420
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
15-May-06 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
Jaze... I have a DVD done as part of a series done by New York Start several years ago. I doubt that I could rights to use part of it for a song, but I'd be willing to try to do it. I imagine that there are others on here who have concerts or sets on video, if not DVD. I'd sure like to see friends on here doing a song. It sounds like an extremely difficult thing to pull off. Way beyond my abilities.

Good idea, though. It's refreshing to at least get some positive, fresh ideas. Beats the Hell out of the pre-chewed bits of thought that fill most of this thread.

Who knows?, maybe we could get back to trying to find ways to support Max.
